
After more than twenty years of Buddhist Tantric practice, Master
Sheng-yen Lu, founder of the True Buddha School, has been able,
during his meditational practices, to merge with the Universe. He
understands the secret of the Universe and is truly Enlightened.
He has become a great adept and has achieved the Six Transcendental
Powers - the six supernatural powers mentioned in Buddhism.
Among those who took refuge in Master Lu, many have experienced
psychic responses from him, and many wondrous and inconceivable
miracles have occured. The miracles in this book include the curing
of terminal and karmic illnesses, accurate spiritual predictions,
warning of imminent disasters, and lottery winnings. In Master's
own words, "miracles will occur". One who experiences
these will gain more confidence. Any student who has mystical responses
should treat them as encouragement and not become attached to them.
Students should humbly improve and better themselves, pursuing correct
results and attaining Supreme Perfect Enlightenment. The authentic
cases recorded in this book represent only a fraction of the numerous
cases of mystical experiences witnessed by Master Lu's students.