
This feng-shui book is like no other feng-shui book on the market
today. Living Buddha Lian-sheng Sheng-yen Lu brings to his readers
a book of "worldly Dharmas" to help secure success in
the mundane world. We all want good health, family harmony, wealth,
successful careers, filial children, and the mitigation and eradication
of disasters. How do your homes contribute to or hamper the realization
of these goals?

With the knowledge inherited from his own guru, Taoist Master Ch'ing
Chen, and an experience validated by over twenty years of geomantic
surveying, Master Sheng-yen Lu shares with us these theories of
Household feng-shui and illustrates them with real life case histories.
The secrets revealed in this book are priceless.
Important Note -
'Household Feng Shui' is the second edition translation of
Book 69. The previous translation bore the title 'Land Spirits
of Your House - Teach Yourself Geomancy'. This newer translation
now supercedes the early version which is now out of print.
Currently only the second edition 'Household Feng Shui' can
be purchased, and apart from the title and cover, it is the
same book. |