
The Six Yogas of Narupa (Inner Heat, Illusory Body, Clear Light,
Consciousness Transference, Forceful Project, and Bardo Yoga) represent
one of the most popular Tibetan Buddhist presentations of yogic
technology. Given by the Indian sage Naropa to Marpa the Translator,
these teachings gradually pervaded thousands of monasteries and
hermitages throughout the Tibetan cultural region.
Tsongkhapa's discussion of the Six Yogas is regarded as one of
the finest on the subject to come out of Tibet. His treatise has
served as the fundamental guide to the system as practiced in more
than three thousand Gelukpa monasteries, nunneries and hermitages
across Central Asia over the past five and a half centuries. Tsongkhapa's
Six Yogas Of Naropa is an essential component of any comprehensive
Buddhist studies collection.