Padmakurmara - Translating the Teachings of the Great Buddhist Master, Grandmaster Living Buddha Sheng-yen Lu Padmakurmara - Translating the Teachings of the Great Buddhist Master, Grandmaster Living Buddha Sheng-yen Lu Padmakurmara - Translating the Teachings of the Great Buddhist Master, Grandmaster Living Buddha Sheng-yen Lu Padmakurmara - Translating the Teachings of the Great Buddhist Master, Grandmaster Living Buddha Sheng-yen Lu Padmakurmara - Translating the Teachings of the Great Buddhist Master, Grandmaster Living Buddha Sheng-yen Lu Padmakurmara - Translating the Teachings of the Great Buddhist Master, Grandmaster Living Buddha Sheng-yen Lu Padmakurmara - Translating the Teachings of the Great Buddhist Master, Grandmaster Living Buddha Sheng-yen Lu

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Earth God Sings

  • Written by Living Buddha Lian-sheng, Sheng-yen Lu
  • Name: Earth God Sings
  • Translated by Lotuspost
  • Edited by Luljeta Subasic
  • Proofread by Mimosa

While I was on duty in the Northern Mountains, I encountered a strange being. His head was lowered, both of his eyes stared at the ground, and his tongue hung out of his mouth. He stood underneath a big tree and did not move at all.

I approached him and asked, "What are you still doing here?"
He did not speak. He did not even utter one word.

From afar, there came an Earth God. With staff in hand, the Earth God sang these repentance verses:

"Repent for the negative actions, speech, and thoughts you have committed.
Your thoughts are visible in the open space and cannot be concealed.
Everyday, full of greed, when are you going to be satisfied?
Everyday, never having enough, when are you going to feel that enough is enough?
Everyday you want, worry, and contemplate meaningless worldly activities. Surely, you cannot see through their illusory nature.
Must the Universe punish you before you can contemplate the true meaning of an impermanent human life span?

All things, big and small are not eternal.
Why are you craving gold, silver, and money?
Why are you upholding name, status, glory and fame?
They are mere illusions.

Look to the sun at the West. Without you realizing it, the rooster has crowed. The day has already become bright. Hurry to return. Repent. Don't say it's too early in the morning."

After this, the Earth God walked toward the strange being, lifted his crane and hit the being on its head. Strangely the being sat down, but afterwards it remained still as if it felt no pain. The Earth God sighed deeply, shook his head, looked at me in a glance and then walked away.

I quickly asked the Earth God, "Hold on, Grandfather. What happened here?"

"Who are you? How come you can see me?" The Earth God asked while turning around.

I prostrated to greet him respectfully. The Earth God greeted me in a similar manner.

"Today I am here because I have work to do in this area. Fortunately, I witnessed what happened here, but I don't understand why. Would grandfather explain it to me?"

"I am the Earth God on duty at Che-Nan-San Mountain. This strange creature is my grandson. When he was alive, he served as a functionary1. He lived very well. After he died, he was buried beneath this tree. Because he is still attached to his former wealth and position in the world, his spirit remains here.

Note 1: Senior officer in the government.

Now, he suffers from the ignorance that he had carried all along. Even after his death, he still does not realize it. As his grandfather, I sing these repentance verses to help awaken him from his ignorance, but I don't have enough power. Since you are a hermit, do you know of some way to help him?"

"Earth God, I will try to help him. But can you help me explain one secret?"

As the Earth God nodded his head in agreement, I took from my pocket a seal that was given to me by Mr. Three-Peaks-Nine-States2 and gave it to the Earth God for examination. Upon seeing this seal, the Earth God prostrated on his knees and said, "This is the seal from Maha Deva. Witnessing this seal means witnessing the Maha Deva."

Note 2: The spiritual being from the Formless Realm who taught Living Buddha Lian-sheng

After saying this, he prostrated many times as a sign of great respect for this seal.

I recited the "Sian Thian U Ci" mantra inside my heart and prayed to the Supreme Beings of the Universe, to the Naga Devas and to other deities,

"I, Living Buddha Lian-sheng, on behalf of "Sian Thian U Ci" take this spirit back so that he can listen to the Deva and be reborn in a better realm."

After reciting the mantra, I placed the esoteric seal on top of the being's head. His spirit gradually disappeared and took the form of light, traveling to the next realm.










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