Padmakurmara - Translating the Teachings of the Great Buddhist Master, Grandmaster Living Buddha Sheng-yen Lu Padmakurmara - Translating the Teachings of the Great Buddhist Master, Grandmaster Living Buddha Sheng-yen Lu Padmakurmara - Translating the Teachings of the Great Buddhist Master, Grandmaster Living Buddha Sheng-yen Lu Padmakurmara - Translating the Teachings of the Great Buddhist Master, Grandmaster Living Buddha Sheng-yen Lu Padmakurmara - Translating the Teachings of the Great Buddhist Master, Grandmaster Living Buddha Sheng-yen Lu Padmakurmara - Translating the Teachings of the Great Buddhist Master, Grandmaster Living Buddha Sheng-yen Lu Padmakurmara - Translating the Teachings of the Great Buddhist Master, Grandmaster Living Buddha Sheng-yen Lu

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A Dharma Talk by Master Lian Pao

  • Dharma Talk by Master Lian Pao
  • Transcribed by Corine Chen
  • Edited by Dance Smith
  • Proofread by LE

Grand Master, all Masters, everybody, good evening!

Some time ago, when I was studying in my study, I came across some sutra verses that contained some terminology that is rarely heard. Some of it I did not understand. Out of curiosity, I looked up a few of the terms in a Buddhist dictionary. I would like to take this opportunity tonight to share my discovery with you.

First of all, I would like to share with you the name "Spinning Wheel King" or "King of the Spinning Wheel". The King of the Spinning Wheel has the most merits in this world. His merit is so great that it is second only to heaven. How did he get so much merit? From accumulation from his past lives. Actually, there are four types of Spinning Wheel Kings - the Iron Spinning Wheel King, the Bronze Spinning Wheel King, the Silver Spinning Wheel King, and the Golden Spinning Wheel King.

General speaking, when human beings attain a lifespan of 20,000 years, the "Iron Spinning Wheel King" will appear in this world. According to the sutra, human beings will reach a lifespan of 840,000 years, and it will also be reduced to a mere 10 years. For every 100 years, the human lifespan will either increase or decrease by one year. When the Iron Spinning Wheel King appears in this world, he will only rule the southern territory of this world. When man attains a lifespan of 40,000 years, the Bronze Spinning Wheel King comes out. He will be in charge of the South and East side of the world. When the human lifespan reaches 60,000 years, the Silver Spinning Wheel King appears. He will be in charge of the South, East and West sides of the world. Finally, when mankind reaches a lifespan of 840,000 years, the Golden Spinning Wheel King will come out. He will be in charge of the four directions - the East, West, South and North.

How do we differentiate the four Spinning Wheel Kings? By the material of their Spinning Wheels. One very unusual thing is that when a Spinning Wheel King appears, there are seven treasures that come along with him. For example, when the Golden Spinning Wheel King appears, he will have a golden wheel treasure with him. To put it in another way, if he has a car, then it will have a golden wheel. All his servants and animals will drive in cars with wheels as transportation, and he will take them all along with him, touring every part of the world, showing people how to cultivate the dharma. The second treasure is a pure white elephant with six tusks. This particular elephant is specially prepared for the Spinning Wheel King, and he also has a green horse. These two animals are used by the Spinning Wheel King to ride around the world. The third thing he has is a precious pearl that emits radiant energy at night time. These are already four of the treasures.

The fifth treasure of the Spinning Wheel King are pretty wives. They are also his attendants. They go along with the Spinning Wheel King to serve him wherever he goes. What is the sixth treasure of the Spinning Wheel King? The sixth item is a very very wise minister who has transcendent power, third eyes and computer-like wisdom. Depending on the needs of the Spinning Wheel King, he provides the Spinning Wheel King with correct information at any moment. The seventh item is a minister who is a great warrior and knows all the strategies of war. He protects the Spinning Wheel King against the enemy.

A while ago, we mentioned that the Spinning Wheel King has the most merit in this world. So what kind of merits does he have? First of all, his wealth is number one or the foremost in the world. He has lots of properties, servants, attendants, treasures - everything is the most. Secondly, his appearance is foremost in the world, very nice and solemn. He has 32 manifestations, just like the Buddhas. We know the 32 manifestations of the Buddhas, for example his skin is shining, his eyes have lots of energy in them and there is sunlight on top of his head etc. The third symbol of his merit is that he remains healthy, never gets sick at all, and is free of all illness, which is also the foremost in the world. The fourth symbol is longevity, which also the foremost in the world. So he has these four great merits. When a Spinning Wheel King comes into this world, the world will be in peace everywhere, there will be a nice atmosphere filled with the fragrance of flowers and perfumes with lots of fruits. You will not find garbage anywhere. Even the climate will be very mild and people will be happy.

But when a Spinning Wheel King passes away, then what happens? Even though his life is very long, with his merit of longevity, he will still come to an end. So whatever he has or he owns, his treasures, his servants, his attendants etc., on the seventh day after he passes away, everything will disappear to follow him back to heaven. So, as cultivators, we should know that even if you find a person with the most merits in the world, when he passes away, all the things he owns will disappear. The only thing you have is the genuine cultivation that you have done. Continuous and diligent cultivation will purify the body, speech and your mind's karma. It will also help you attain to Buddha's kingdom and not be bound to the six realms. So, from the term "Spinning Wheel King", we know that everything in this world is impermanent. All things are just illusion. The only permanent thing is to do your own cultivation. So this is what I would like to share with you tonight.

Om Mani Padme Hum.









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